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I'm a mom, a soldier, a wife. It's as simple as that.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A long couple of days

My daughter is home sick, my son is at day care, my husband is at work and here I am at home with the sick one. I should be at work too but day care refuses to take my daughter if she has the slightest sign of sickness. I know this is normal but at this moment it's upsetting because I'm stuck at home with her grumpiness and my grumpiness/loneliness and worrying about whether or not I'm going to get in trouble with my work. I know I shouldn't get in trouble but there's always the chance. And the text came in, I'm not in trouble, I'm on leave. MUAHAHA FREEDOM!!! So now what?...

1 comment:

k said...

try to relax - you know, when she is napping.