The rules for this award are as follows:
1.) List 10 honest things about yourself
2) Pass it on to 7 cool people who embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap
Ok Honesty First....
1) This is probably the most honest thing about me. I hate to lie, I hate people who lie, I hate being lied to and anything to do with being deceitful in general. In fact when taking my first polygraph, the tester only had me in there for 5 minutes because I couldn't lie and don't lie.
2) Getting up in the morning every morning is a feat for me. I have the worst days where I just wish I could stay in bed all day and have nothing to worry about and it starts in the morning.
3) I have issues growing up with a racist grandfather. Before I get burned at the stake I am not racists but I sometimes struggle with those ideals that I lived with growing up and it's hard for me sometimes to be around people of other races because then I try to overcompensate to not be racist and they still think I'm racist. :(
4) Sometimes and very rarely, I wish I was 23 with no kids, no husband and no responsibility. Then I realize how much I would miss them.
5) I do feel sometimes that my husband doesn't do enough around the house.
6) I think the reason I feel this way about number 5 is because I was so spoiled growing up.
7) I had a son when I was 17 and gave him up for adoption. The only reason my daughter is here today is because of that and I am so glad. I still wonder what's going to happen in 14-16 years when or if he comes looking for me.
Ok on to my 7 winners...
Because I Could Never Keep Up With a Diary
Blog Goggles
Chronicles of a Bohiemian Teenager
instant pudding - a comedy blog
Mamma's Anonymous
Mommy's Little Corner
Awww thank you so much! :)
I promise I will do the exact same for you when I get back on sunday. Trust me I would right now, but I've been on the computer forever X)
Thanks again!:)
My Boss found his real mother at the age of 45. His adopted parents were long deceased. He and his birth mother have developed an amazing relationship, probably stronger than most normal Mother and son relationships. He understood that she let him go so that he could have a better life than she could give him at the time. It turned out that he had a great life and now it is like icing on the cake!
Awww thank you so much, I'm honored that you like what I write! I am honest, I tell it like I see it and at times have trouble biting my tongue, haha. I have to say you're blog deserves an award, it's very moving and oh so true! Thanks again!
Thank you so much for thinking of me. I have received this award before and did post my honest things. If you search my blog for Painfully Honest Award, it should come up.
I must say, everytime I see your header I am awed by its beautiful uniqueness.
Good for you to be conscious of racism and to fight it. It's people like you who can change the world and make the world a better place.
Aw, thanks so much :)
i might just get on the bandwagon with these awards, they seem really cool
love your recent posts btw<3
Yay! Thank you so much. These are amazing honest scraps.
I hate lies too...telling lies, being lied to, hearing other people lie...I HATE it!
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