You see I'm from San Diego and being from San Diego I can be proud to say that the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Wild Animal Park is the best of it's kind that I've seen or heard about. You can argue, that's fine, I won't change my mind on that. I'll give Florida a point on Disney World over Disneyland but San Diego has the best zoo. Anyways, back to the point, we went to the zoo in Baltimore and I was a tad disappointed, not to mention worn out by the time we were finished. To get to the animals in Baltimore, you have to either walk a half mile loop passing by the 'old zoo' which really means a half mile loop of trees and falling down buildings or you can take the trolley. The downside to the trolley is the fact that you have to fold your stroller. We have two kids and a lot of stuff in our stroller when we go anywhere to keep them happy. Needless to say, the trolley just wasn't happening. The only point I can give to Baltimore's zoo was the fact that you got really close to the animals. There was a giraffe petting/feeding area, a petting zoo and just about all the African animals. The HUGE downside was the fact that 90% of the exhibits were closed even though we went on 'opening day'. We walked through the Children's zoo, to be hugely disappointed by a long walk with maybe 2 animals out, no real activities for the kids and a temper tantrum from our oldest due to not being able to run across on the lily pad which were big floaties in water. (She's one, it wasn't happening. Yes, I know, I'm a mean mommie. She told me.) Not to mention that this portion of the zoo was set in 'Maryland's Bog' with narrow wooden walkways and some very shady looking surroundings. Anyways, needless to say, our day at the zoo was very disatisfying albiet it was good exercise whether that was our intention our not. I do have some cool photos which you can check out.
You can check these links out for comparison on the zoo's if you don't believe me or have no idea what I'm talking about.